Expert work & initiatives

In 2007–2010, a team of experts from the ChemRar Group became one of the co-developers of the national roadmap for the revival of domestic pharmaceutical products: the Strategy for the Development of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industries of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 and beyond (PHARMA 2020).

In 2011, the project named “Center for the Development of Innovative and Import Substituting Medical Products ChemRar” was approved by the Council for the Modernization of the Economy and the Innovative Development of Russia Under the President of the Russian Federation.
The project is fully completed.

Since 2011, the ChemRar Group has been an anchor partner of the Northern biopharmaceutical cluster based on the legendary Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT Phystech) together with such market leaders as the Protek Group, Akrikhin, Federal Research Center Pharmzaschita, Geropharm, and others.

Since 2011, the ChemRar Group has been collaborating with Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology to train research and engineering personnel for pharmaceutics and is a host organization for the Department of Innovative Pharmaceutics, Medical Technology and Biotechnology at MIPT.

The ChemRar Group became a member and one of the initiators of the creation of Phystech XXI, world-class research and educational cluster based on MIPT. The Phystech XXI initiative was approved by the Supervisory Council of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, and in December 2012, the President of the Russian Federation issued an instruction, whereunder a program of the development of Phystech XXI research and the educational cluster was prepared.

Since 2014, the ChemRar Group has been the key partner of the Skolkovo Foundation in the Life Science field.

In 2015, the ChemRar Group took an active part in the development of a roadmap of the NeuroNet market within the National Technology Initiative (NTI).
Andrey Ivaschenko, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the ChemRar Group became a co-leader of the NeuroNet workgroup under the Presidium of the Council for the Modernization of the Economy and the Innovative Development of Russia Under the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2016, representatives of the ChemRar Group entered the Expert Council of the State Duma for the Development of Biotechnologies, Pharmaceutical and Medical Industries established under the State Duma Committee for Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development, and Entrepreneurship.

In 2017, the ChemRar Group became a member of a priority project of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia called National Champions aimed at ensuring breakthrough growth of domestic private high-tech export-oriented companies leading in terms of development rates, and facilitating the establishment of transnational companies with headquarters in Russia on their basis.

In March 2020, Head of the ChemRar Group A.A. Ivaschenko took over the leadership of an Expert Group specializing in New Types of Entrepreneurial Activities Based on the Deployment of Advanced Technologies (NTI) created within the framework of the implementation of the mechanism of management of systemic changes of the business environment Business Climate Transformation (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 286 of March 16, 2020).

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