
Address: 2a-1, Rabochaya St.
Khimki, Moscow region,
141401 Russia


Phone: +7 (495) 925-30-74
Fax: +7 (495) 626-97-80

To reach us by car:

On the Leningrad Highway drive from Moscow towards the Moscow Region, 2 km from the Moscow Ring Road (before McDonalds) turn right into Repin Street, after the railway bridge turn right into Rabochaya Street at the T-junction. In 150–200 meters turn left under the blue-white Technopark KHIMKIPRO arch and immediately after the arch turn right to (right), ChemRar. Took left from four-storey gray building (House of Scientists Hotel) till you reach the checkpoint/gate to an eight-storey blue and white building (Building 1).

To reach us by public transport:

From the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station take Bus 851. From the Planernaya metro station take Bus 817. Travel to the Rodionovo bus stop. Then walk 10–15 minutes from the stop, turn right into Repin Street, after the railway bridge turn right into Rabochaya Street at the T-junction. In 150–200 meters turn left under the blue-white Technopark KHIMKIPRO arch. On the right under the arch there is a separate entry through the checkpoint (opposite the ChemRar stele). Took left from fourstorey grey building (Building 31), go to second auto barrier and through the checkpoint to the eight-story blue and white building (Building 1).
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