The expert group “Transformation of the Business Climate” of NTI will become a tool for the implementation of the new Concept of technological development until 2030

On July 31, 2023, as part of the design and educational intensive “Archipelag 2023” at the “Chelovek+” site, a meeting of the updated composition of the expert group “Business Climate Transformations” was held in the direction of “New types of entrepreneurial activities based on the introduction of advanced technologies” ( TDK NTI ) . The co-leaders of the EG are the Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation Maxim Andreevich Kolesnikov and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the ChemRar Group Andrei Aleksandrovich Ivashchenko.

Valeria Alekseevna Vorobyova, Director of the Department of Strategic Development and Innovation of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, spoke at the EG meeting from the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

“Since 2019, TDK NTI has been a “living” mechanism that helps solve specific problems in the regulatory regulation of certain aspects of activity related to the use of high technologies, allowing to remove barriers and significantly improve the business climate, attract investment and ultimately create comfortable conditions for doing business «, said V.A. Vorobyova, opening the meeting.

According to her, over 3 years of work, it has already been possible to introduce a number of important initiatives, such as accelerated registration of innovative medicines through post-registration studies, develop measures to stimulate the introduction of “green” technologies in transport and merchant shipping, and legislate the possibility of creating a waybill in electronic form, in April 2023, duplicate requirements for airlines in terms of security were eliminated, which made it possible to significantly reduce the administrative burden.

Previously, there was no separate “technology policy” in the Russian Federation, and, due to its integration into global technological chains, Russia turned out to be only a “consumer” of technology. An analysis of practice until 2022 shows that large businesses were not interested in introducing domestic innovations, preferring to buy ready-made imported technologies, which is easier and cheaper than investing in their own development lines. Technology startups, in turn, were focused on finding partners abroad. As a result, there was no fusion between science and business within the country. In order to bridge this gap, to transition to innovation-oriented economic development and ensure the technological sovereignty of Russia, the Government of the Russian Federation developed the Concept of Technological Development until 2030, the main principles of which are, among other things:

  • principle of concentration (transition from frontal movement to prioritization of limited resources);
  • support for private initiative within the framework of cooperation between the Russian Federation and business;
  • the principle of economic feasibility of technological developments (a combination of efficiency, productivity and effectiveness);
  • recognition of the right to risk (assumption of the possibility of failure to achieve the planned results of technological work).

Solving the task of transitioning to innovation-oriented economic growth, as set out in the document, is impossible without eliminating regulatory barriers and transforming the business climate. In this regard, it is important to correlate all the activities of the TDK NTI roadmap that are being worked and monitored with the priorities of the concept of technological development.

Andrey Aleksandrovich Ivashchenko noted that on December 20, 2022, a reporting meeting was held under the chairmanship of First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation A. R. Belousov, at which the results of the implementation of the road map were announced, and new initiatives were presented. In 2023, 12 initiatives or 31 new events have already been proposed for consideration in a variety of areas of business activity. In the near future, a conciliation meeting of relevant experts from the initiators and relevant federal executive authorities is planned under the auspices of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, after which the initiatives will be presented to the Government. At the meeting, three more initiatives were proposed — of a market-wide nature to remove barriers to investment in the latest technologies and industry ones in the field of Aeronet BPA and innovative pharmaceuticals.

“The adoption this year of the Concept of Technological Development of the Russian Federation until 2030 helps to focus the attention of both the state and the entire technological community on critical and end-to-end technologies. This is undoubtedly a priority for the work of our TDK NTI expert group,” emphasized A.A. Ivashchenko.

Due to the fact that the community is already actively working in the main technological areas within the framework of the EG TDK NTI, during the meeting the participants unanimously supported the proposal of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development to focus the work of the EG TDK NTI on the priorities of the new Concept of technological development until 2030.


TDC is a mechanism for the authorities to quickly respond to requests from the business community and is aimed at removing existing regulatory restrictions when doing business, including eliminating redundant, outdated and contradictory requirements contained in regulatory legal acts.

A separate direction “New types of entrepreneurial activities based on the introduction of advanced technologies (NTI).”

At a meeting of the Presidium of the Government Commission for Economic Development and Integration chaired by the First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation A.R. Belousov, which took place on March 26, 2020 (Appendix to Protocol No. 6), the composition of the Expert Group in the direction of “New types of entrepreneurial activities based on the introduction of advanced technologies (NTI)” (hereinafter referred to as the expert group) and the head of the Expert Group A.A. Ivashchenko is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the ChemRar Group.

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