Dementia Support Online School Starts Today

Avineuro Project from ChemRar Group and organization Support of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and Their Families announced the launch of the educational online platform Memory Help for families of those suffering from dementia. The first group of the online school will start learning on April 25 and finish on June 2, 2019.

Memory Help’s mission is helping families of people suffering from dementia in everyday routine related to care and household safety, as well as providing support to carers themsevles.

    • What is dementia?
    • I know the diagnosis. What’s next?
    • Where to get medical, social, and legal help?
    • How to register the disability and incapacity? What can it give?
    • What should I do in case of emergency?

Our school handles these and other issues. Apply here.

Dementia is one of the major disability and dependence causes in older people across the globe. It can deeply affect not only patients themselves but also carers. Among other problems, people are often poorly aware of dementia and related conditions — this impedes the diagnosing and providing medical help. Dementia may affect a family or society in a physical, mental, social, and economic ways. This said, it is highly important to clarify the matter to provide timely and effective care for a person suffering from dementia.

Avineuro Project is specialized in developing innovative medical product for treating diseases of the central nervous system. Currently, the company carries out research and develops products for the correction of cognitive deficits, schizophrenia, and generalized anxiety disorder. The project is supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation within the framework of program Pharma 2020.

Autonomous non-commercial organization Support of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and Their Families was founded in 2009 by families and physicians. This is the only non-commercial organization in Russia concerned with dementia-related issues. Member of the Alzheimer Disease International



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