International biopharmaceutical accelerator BioBridge-2019 starts in Russia

ChemRar Group and RDI group with the support of Neuronet industry union announce the launch of the first Russian international acceleration program BioBridge-2019 to support research and development projects for innovative pharmaceuticals and treatment methods. The Accelerator will include a competitive selection of the most advanced biopharmaceutical projects, as well as meetings and consultations with industry experts, lectures, and training sessions. In the end, teams will be able to present their business projects to investors and establish partnerships with Russian and European organizations.

Distant project selection process will begin at the end of March and continue until mid-June. Demo days are planned to be held at the end of September in Moscow and Vienna (Austria) during the viennacontemporary modern art fair.

The key advantage of BioBridge-2019 accelerator is synergy of proficiencies, expertise and industry networking of organizers which will enable teams not only to gain general business development theory and expertise, but also to reliably raise their projects to the next level due to specific advice on science, IP and business aspects from prospective partners, customers, as well as Russian and European industry experts. Depending on project development stage, individual hypotheses, targets, and MVP (Lean Startup method, Steve Blank) will be formulated during the accelerator; to check these, best projects will get support from investors, industry partners and accelerator experts.

BioBridge-2019 tracks:
Discovery: In-vitro developments – innovative mechanisms of action and biotargets
Development: Innovative in-vivo pharmaceuticals — proof-of-concept in pre-clinical studies
Go2Market: Innovative projects in clinical development – proof-of-concept in clinical studies, Russia and EU market entry
Digital Drugs: Innovative treatment methods and digital pharmaceuticals using AI and big data.

«We believe that each innovative pharmaceutical project which can meaningfully contribute to people’s life quality enhancement, must be given a chance to get funding and verify the concept at any development stage», — said Irina Tyrnova, accelerator program director and ChemRar CEO.

Please submit accelerator attendance forms to Andrei Sizjukhin at

Partners seeking to extend their portfolios with innovative products are also welcome to participate. Partner accelerator attendance forms please submit to Irina Tyrnova at

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