
CardioSystemPharma has developed and is launching on the Russian market a new cardioplegic drug, Normacor, for open-heart surgery at a normal body temperature. Normacor can significantly increase the time of safe surgery on a stopped heart in the presence of normothermia and blood cardioplegic solution. Today, according to the criteria of efficacy, safety and ease of use, it is the best system in the world for myocardial protection during heart surgery. The drug is protected by a RF patent.

Normacor allows to realize all the potential of modern heart surgery techniques with the use of normothermia and blood cardioplegic solution. It will reduce the operative and postoperative mortality of patients, simplify the surgery technique, significantly reduce the risk of postoperative myocardial and brain adverse events, reduce the cost of consumables for heart surgery. The existing cardioplegic solutions are used during hypothermic heart surgery, therefore they can only partially compete with Normacor. The drug has successfully passed the efficacy and safety trials for marketing authorization.

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