Laboratory Furniture

At ChemRar High-Tech Center there are companies that conduct research in modern laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. We have created our own way to equip laboratories. We have set up high-quality modern laboratories for ourselves and we are happy to offer their services to others.

We offer our partners:

  • Chemical laboratories on a ready-to-operate basis, including repair facilities, manufacturing of furniture, intstallation of sewage, water, vacuum, installation of positive-pressure ventilation and electricity infrastructure.
  • Professional ergonomic high-quality furniture of standard sizes and according to customer drawings: laboratory tables, chairs, cabinets (including fume hoods), etc.

ChemRar Furniture represents quality, ergonomics, reliability, high performance and aesthetic characteristics.

Our laboratories speak for themselves!

Sergey Martynov
т. +7 (495) 925 30 74 #106

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