Startup Rally Winner to Come Before European Investors at BioBridge 2019 Finals in Vienna

BIOTECHMED 2019 Forum that involved representatives of ChemRar Group and international accelerator biobridge-2019, comprised the finals of the innovative pharmaceuticals and medical equipment contest titled Startup Rally. Declared the best from 150 applicants, 36 finalist teams from 12 regions of Russia presented their projects. Project KFU-05 (Kazan Federal University concerned) with developing an innovative antiseptic agent became the winner of a special nomination of BioBridge 2019. The project team received a certificate entitling them to participate in the Accelerator Demo Day on September 27, 2019, at the Marx Halle during art fair viennacontemporary.

KFU-05 is a new-generation antiseptic agent of uniquely high efficacy and having wide spectrum of effect in suppressing bacterial, fungal, and viral pathogens. It exceeds the best reference commercial products and suppresses the pathogens’ resistance potential.  On the Demo Day in Vienna, KFU-05 will be presented by one of the authors and developers of the product, Konstantin Valeryevich Balakin, Head of the Medical Chemistry Department, Ph.D., Assistant Professor at the Kazan Federal University.

50+ experts and investors from Russia and Europe have already confirmed their participation in the Demo Day at biobridge-2019, including Sir Konstantin Novoselov, winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics and the head of the expert council, who is passionate about contemporary art. His works will be demonstrated on the special exhibition at biobridge-2019 along with other art projects created in collaboration with the pharmaceutical startups from the accelerator.

This is a fascinating and creative event for the R&D venture market of innovative pharmaceuticals and new treatment methods in both Russia and Europe. The key idea behind the event is that art unites all aspects of our lives and attracts creative artists, scientists, businessmen, politicians, philanthropists, investors and other business elite representatives — this is why technological and business events are conducted here in parallel with the modern art exhibition.

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