The Presidential Council for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia approved Project No. 30, ChemRar Center for development of innovative and import-substituting drugs.

ChemRar Center for development of innovative and import-substituting drugs.
Goal: To create a technological platform for the development of finished dosage forms and production of pilot batches of medicines.
Goal: To develop technologies for the production of generics, including finished dosage forms — 10 INN: 8 of them are in production, 1 is in the process of marketing authoriztion. A total of 27 INN are in the process of development: 11 are in production, 9 are Vital and Essential Drugs (VED).
Goal: To create a technological platform for innovative exportable drug development.
Goal: To develop innovative export-capable cadidate clinical drugs up to and including Phase 2 clinical trials — 10 candidate drugs in innovative medicines, including 8 in phase 2 & 3 clinical trials. A total of 12 innovative drugs for phase 2 & 3 clinical trials are in the process of development, one is in the process of marketing authorization.

ChemRar Group became an anchor partner of the Northern Biopharmaceutical Cluster with such market leaders as Protek Group, Akrikhin company, SPC “Pharmzashchita”, etc. The BioPharmCluster is an association of leading businesses of the Russian pharmaceutical and medical industries, think tanks, medical institutions, and small innovation-based enterprises at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

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