Chemrar and VkusVill Awarded Winners and Prizers of Phystech Lyceum’s “Start into Innovation” Conference

On May 30th, the ceremonial rewarding of winners and prizers of 17th Scientific and Practical Conference “Start into innovations” who received grants from the Physical-engineering Lyceum’s development foundation was held in Pyotr Kapitsa Physical-engineering Lyceum.

Many projects were carried out under scientific guidance of scientists from laboratories of Physical-engineering School of Biological and Medical Physics.

Phystech Schools Development Foundation featuring industrial partners, VkusVill and ChemRar Group, gave grants to 18 teams of the lyceum students to conduct research work. 11 grant-holder teams became winners and prizers of the “Start into Innovation” conference.

The awarding ceremony was opened by director of the lyceum, Marina Mashkova. She emphasized high level of research projects and wished the students to stay strong in the pursuit of their goals and participate in Russian-wide and international conferences.

Viktor Nazarov, Director of the Phystech School of Biological and Medical Physics, gave the final speech to future scientists. “Thank you so much for loving the science. The science always returns love, and the longer this love is, the stronger it is. Be sure to continue developing research aspirations. We are welcoming you to study with us and promise that you will get the best world-class education for those professionals who want to engage themselves in the most interesting area – Life Science”. Aleksander Melerzanov, dean of the DMBP MIPT,  associated himself with these words and noted that such enthusiastic young researchers are welcome to study in MIPT.

Partner companies of the foundation took part in ceremonial delivery of diplomas to winners and prizers and VkusVill-organized tea party.

Phystech School of Biological and Medical Physics congratulates the winners and prizers!

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