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On September 14, IPHARMA celebrated the fifth anniversary of the work in the market of clinical trials in the loft on the territory of the Crystal plant. More than 100 guests, including researchers, partners and customers congratulated the company. The event was held in a friendly atmosphere. There were also solemn speeches and touching memories, ...
Conjugate, a company of ChemRar Group and the resident of the BioMedical Cluster of the Skolkovo Foundation, has announced that it began researching new indications for Aurixim in anti-β-cell therapy of autoimmune diseases. It is the understanding of the role played by β-cell immunity in the inflammatory process and the emergence of opportunities ...
Moscow, June 24, 2017 — ELPIDA® (elsulfavirin), a new generation non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) and the first original Russian drug in the 21st century for the treatment of HIV infection, was registered in Russia (Registration Certificate No. LP-004360 of June 30, 2017). The drug was developed by Viriom, a company of ...
At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum held at the site of ASI Boiling Point, Andrey Ivashchenko, the leader of the NeuroNet working group of the NTI, the Chairman of the Board of Directors ChemRar, Roman Malkin, NP GLONASS Director of the Technical Regulation Service, and the leader of the AutoNet working group of the NTI Alexander ...
On April 25, 2017 the Moscow Stadium Live concert hall hosted the final of GenerationS — the largest startup accelerator in Russia and Eastern Europe, held by RVC, where the best startups of 2017 were named. The Scanderm Pro team whose LifeScience track project, with the Northern BioPharmCluster as its industrial partner, received the audience ...
On April 21, 2017 Skolkovo held the Fifth Skolkovo Robotics International Conference 2017, organized by the Skolkovo Robotics Center, the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech), and the Moscow Technological Institute (MTI), one of the co-founders of the Branch Union NeuroNet. For the fifth consecutive year, the robotics conference ...
  ChemRar Group (ChemRar) has announced a successful completion of a safety and tolerability trial of a fundamentally new oral candidate drug АВ5080 (AV5080) with a wide range of anti-influenza activity, including the treatment of influenza type A and type B strains resistant to any existing first- and second-generation drugs. The ...
IPHARMA has maintained a leading position among contract research organizations in the volume of local drugs studies for 4 consecutive years, according to the Newsletter No.14 of the Association of Clinical Trials Organizations (ACTO) dated April 6, 2017. In 2016 IPHARMA received 10 permits of the Ministry of Healthcare to conduct phase 1–3 ...

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